Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ways to be creative.

Like many of you, I spend a good chunk of my week on the internet. Sometime this last week, I saw this:

I thought it was rather inspiring, so I started making my own list:

It's a bit of a small picture, but that's it so far. Here it is, if you can't read it:
  1. Read. (If I'm not reading, I start losing influences and new ideas.)
  2. Cultivate and pay attention to passion and fun. (I'm actually sort of bad at this.)
  3. Listen to music intentionally. (I get story ideas from music. I'm weird.)
  4. Write 250 words a day. Anywhere. (Journal/blog/script/concept/D&D planning)
  5. Be impulsive. (I tend to have a better attitude when I let myself be impulsive.)
  6. Be bored. (If I keep my brain occupied, I don't entertain myself with coming up with stuff.)
  7. (I plan to add more to the list.)
What's your list?