Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits

So here I am at Honors with no professor... You'd think that if they wanted it to be a priority for us they would at least show up... We're suppposed to be talking about Medea, but nobody but Gillian seems to be in the mood without our Prof.

That's it.


Anonymous said...

Well, maybe you'll get the credit and won't have to do anything? :-P

Laters amigo.

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

sigh, was it just the freshmen? or all the honors kids? Poor Gillian, she really does like learning. Whoa hold it, Honors isn't at 6:11 am! Your clock must be messed up.

Michael said...

Oh Kemp you have to learn that profs really don't care about time, like Burghart, when has he showed up to class on time yet? And isn't Stevens ADD?

Anonymous said...

Funny, my computer says that Kemp posted at 9:11 am.

~*~ Rad