Sunday, April 08, 2007

Here it comes, a beautiful collision

At least, I hope.

I like David Crowder. His music makes me happy. And thoughtful. And kinda honest.

Only a few more weeks, then I'm home for the summer. I'm looking forward to it, but I have to remember to rest. In my head, I keep coming up with more and more I'd like to do this summer: first May term... maybe another class... read a bunch of books... go hiking... spend time with friends... work at the theater... work at the golf course... volunteer at the church... hang out with the college ministry... teach middle school or high school a few Sundays... That's a lot of stuff. I have to remember to rest this summer. I need it.

I'm hoping to wrangle the Sunday school teacher for college students into "mentoring" me a bit. I need someone more experienced than me at this Christian thing to help keep me accountable to both rest and growth over the summer. The trick with mentors, though, is that I'm bitter about them. So I've got to be careful.

Homework and driving tomorrow. I definitely didn't finish everything I needed to this weekend. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?



Anonymous said...

And is there something wrong with LJ being one of my interests? Anyway looks like your mind has a full plate for your summer. . . Yeah I'm not so sure about intentions though, but good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

hope it all works like it's supposed to.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I didn't get all my homework done either. :(

Good luck with all that. That is a lot.

What'd that last sentence say? I don't speak French.

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your humor. ^_^

~*~ Rad

Melissa said...

Ha, well I didn't think anyone read my I don't make them interesting...I used to actually write in here...but then I deleted them all. anyway. I suppose at some point I'll write something with relevance since I know someone looks at it.

I'm rambling now. the end.