Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another public service announcement:

I'm going to church camp, ergo, I won't be updating.


Anonymous said...

Now this is more like it: putting the annoucement up BEFORE camp :-P. i'm praying for you and Krystal... and the whole driving there thing-a-ma-jig... it will be just fine. i've got faith... it's my spiritual gift.... :-P
talk to you later....

Anonymous said...

*Blinks* So... no mention of the weekend...? And I wanted your side of it! >.>

Be safe, have fun, God bless all that you do.

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

hm, if I were to leave a comment you wouldn't see it until you get back from camp. Eh, I've got nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

That's ok, "mbp"... i realized the same thing... AFTER i typed and submitted it... i wonder how much Kemp would dislike us if we had an entire conversation on his blog via comment? hmmm....
oh.. and thanks for copying me with the initials...

Anonymous said...

I'm game on the conversation-while-Kemp-is-gone suggestion. :)

Oh, and since you will read this eventually, Kemp, I hope camp WAS excellent. Knowing camp, and campish things... well, I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Comment conversation? Oh totally, I'm up for that. Bethany you seem to be all over the internet tonight, yet not online... strange. Oh well. I'm sure you guys have noticed this but you both have the same middle name.

Anonymous said...


Yay for conversation in the comments!

*Pokes Michael*

~*~ Rad (Who naturally usess her initials in the first place :-P)

Anonymous said...

What's with the poking? I haven't even done anything. That is simply uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

yes, we know we have the same middle name... we've been over this... and man.. i wish i was at camp. i miss camp. i miss a bunch of rowdy awkward junior highers.... ~sigh~ ... then then, i guess it's my fault for getting old...

Anonymous said...

You know CJ you could work as a councilor at the camp for your church. Have you and Bethany met and discussed your room for this fall? I mean we don't have that much time left.

Anonymous said...

mbp, no worries. we've got it all under control... umm.. well, she does at least. we still have to get together but judging her, she's already got a few lists. and camp for SLWC was this week too, besides, i can't take a week off work... after i took the weekend off... i couldn't have done that. is it 'have' or 'of'? i never coudl remember the rule for that one.

Anonymous said...

I think have is the correct term to use. I remember church camp, yeah I only went one year. I can do the whole outdoors thing, I have the marks to prove it. But if I could say stay inside in A/C with a much lower chance of fainting I'm all for that. He's probably going crazy with thoughts in his head of why am I still at CU and not a youth min. major. Bwahahaha Victory is mine.

Anonymous said...

He shouldn't be thinking about your major. and don't do Youth Min. Anyway, i should really look up that rule and carve it into my heart of stone... so i don't forget it. You know, i really want to capitalize my "i"s but it's just too much work.
oh, and by the way.. isn't it technically "your church" now that you've attended every week for at least 2 months... and more?
Oh, and "hi, Kemp! still thinking about you guys at camp. still praying (for ALL people and areas that need prayer... you know how came goes... duh, you're there {sidenote: the first time i typed "duh" i typed it as "hug" and laughed.})"

Anonymous said...

this is me adding to the comment conversation

Anonymous said...

Oh CJ when I was talking about youth min I left out quote marks. Oh and Kemp, hope the whole camp thing is going (went, when you see this) well. Hope it doesn't drive you to alcoholism, because that's just sad. Although it'd be fun to see what he'd be like drunk. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

*Binks in astonishment*

Wow, Kemp doesn't even post and he gets 15 comments... I post and nobody looks at my Xanga for a week...


Um... I poked you for a reason... now I don't remember...

What happens at church camp?

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

Camp is full of kids, fun, late nights, tears, energy, embarresing pranks, stories, and crushes. Camp produces excitement from youth for the story of Christ and newly found friendships and friendships that have recently gone deeper. it is a place to learn, a place to love, a place to belong. People see others differently at camp. it's a special place. it's a special time. Camp is wonderful ... camp ... is beautiful.

thank you, amb, for contributing.

Anonymous said...

So, like LJ mixed with VBS only for older-ish kids? (The VBSs that I always participated in/helped with were from kindergarten [ish...] to 4th grade)

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

no no no... better than LJ. Better stereotype than LJ. Better thought of than LJ. Better ... it's just better.

oh, and count yourself blessed that your initials actually spell something instead of random consonents that sound strange together. (i think michael's takes the cake though... and yes, mbp, you get a cake)

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to regret ever entering cyber space because whenever I leave for anywhere close to 24 hours, EVERYTHING happens and it is terribly difficult to catch up, but here is my attempt:

Yes, we have totally been through the name thing. mbp, you totally spelled 'counselor' wrong! Time is NOT running out (the summer is NOT already over, contrary to general (LJ - cough) opinion), and yes, we - or I - have lists, and yes, we are planning to meet. Why does getting old have to interfere with camp - you can never be too old for camp, but getting old DOES mean you have to have a job and a) not spend the money you make working on camp and b) not take a week off to staff because you won't be working and making money. I agree that "have" is correct and I have a really handy grammar rule book you can browse if you wish, cjn. A/C is too cold. I wish I would capitalize my i's, too, but there is so much to say in so little time... mbp, why are you stuck on keeping people sober!?
Sorry, I have to say you can't have a valid opinion about LJ without attending (cjn, but I love you anyway) - and (rad) camp is just camp. You have to go to know (though cjn did a pretty good job capturing parts, minus a few other joys particular to staffing)- and each is different, while still being camp. It's simply glorious - another world that has so much bearing on this one. I MISS CAMP! Kemp, today I learned the sign for camp and was thinking of my three friends at camp this week/summer. I'm still jealous, but still praying. :)
I think that pretty much sums it up and will hold me over for another 24ish hours. maybe...

Anonymous said...

Wow bjm that was a mouthful, or handful since you typed it all. Having gone to both Church camp and LJ I guess I am able to give my opinion. Camp and LJ are not the same, not by a long shot. Camp has a lot more positive press than LJ does, and it is at more venues than just CU. Wait, rad, you've never been to church camp? That's a pity, I'm not a big fan of camping, but still I would suggest that everyone go at least once. But then I suggest people vote, but that isn't going to happen. *coughBethany* *coughKemp* oh wow sorry about that. So anyone have any thoughts on oh I don't know Rhode Island?