Saturday, July 19, 2008


It's 3:00 am. I can't sleep. But I can't stop dreaming.

One thing that I haven't (but at the same time, have) been doing a lot of is dreaming. I've spent the past few years dreaming of who I want to become, but not much dreaming about what I want to do - specific things that I want to accomplish at some point in my life.

As I'm laying here, trying every way I know how to get to sleep, ideas of "doings" have come into my brainplaces and I might as well write them down. Some of these are definites, some are maybes, some are "it'd be kinda cool if's," but they're all dreams of things I want to do in my life.

  • Live of off 60% of my income. That would leave 10% to church, 10% to short term, emergency fund type savings, 10% to long term type savings (retirement, kids college, etc.), and 10% just to give away at some point (in small or large doses, depending on God).
  • Lead a small group of middle school or high school boys.
  • Be a part of a professional video game - enough to get me on the credits.
  • To be credited as a writer on some sort of art, be it film, TV, novel, video game, etc...
  • At some point, to work with my wife in the sense of a job.
  • To own my own small company for side projects (works well with the previous idea).
  • Write a book (about what, I haven't the foggiest, but it'd be cool).
  • Live the somewhat urban life.
  • Live a somewhat rural life.
  • Have a spiritual retreat weekend.
  • Get married to the love of my life.
  • Sing a solo in a musical. Maybe not a lead part, but that one character who shows up in Act 2 as being really important who gets a song or two to themselves.
  • Institute some non-cheesy rites of passage for my son.
  • Write a story that gets adapted to multiple media.
  • Have best friends and hang out with them frequently as I have a family and as my children grow up.
  • Assemble a team of some of the best people I know to accomplish something. (In other words, to have an excuse to bring together the talented people I've known over the years (and will continue to meet) for one (or two, or three) awesome project.)
  • Build a dream house someday on some property with a good deal of woods.
  • Own two dogs. At the same time.
  • Have a Japanese themed kitchen, complete with tea set, bamboo placemats, chop sticks, and plates.
  • Give away a car.
  • Speak at a camp. (Like church camp.)
  • Speak at a conference. (Like GDC.)
  • Take a homeless man out to dinner.
  • Write a certain number of words per day. (Starting small...)
  • Meet with someone further behind me in their journey once a week. Buy them coffee.
  • Meet with someone further ahead of me in their journey once a week. Let them buy me coffee sometimes.
  • Be an above average dancer. Especially with my wife.
  • Be an okay swordsman (i.e. learn to fence; not the creepy-foam-swords-in-a-park-on-Thursdays kind of swordsman.)

I might edit this in the next few minutes as I get more ideas, but I'm gonna go ahead and post now anyway.

Man, I wish I could sleep.


Anonymous said...

I figured you'd be writing on here. thoughts like these have been filling my mind constantly the last 3,4, maybe even 5 days... I'm always the one to write things down, but didn't think to do this? wow... now I'm gonna be up til 6 or 7 am again... But, I'm sorry Kemp, I get the Japanese kitchen... I've wanted it for as long as I can remember. But I think no chairs (or hide them somewhere for when I want them) would be good, with the low table... *smiles. Yea, you can keep your half-japanese kitchen idea afterall. I always thought couples like Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh are lucky... My parents too... always working together. But they make it happen, you know? You'll get your chance. (*

Anonymous said...

i appreciate the last bullet.

Michael said...

To live off 30% of your income, because you know taxes will take 30% Wow. Good luck with that, I'll see you in a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it can be done... trust me. :-) (or, I should say, trust Him). (*

Anonymous said...

Those all sound absolutely fantastic. And some of them will come to being. :)

Let God lead you.

But you knew that.

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

sorry you've been having trouble sleeping. it doesn't happen often to me, but when it does, i don't like it. so i wish you all the best in that arena of your life.

as for the list, i love lists, and alas i copied. i hope you don't mind. mine is not as inspired, as i was not as sleepy, but i'll edit it later.

i liked a lot of your thoughts, or should i say "dreams" on your list.

i'm sure you can make it happen. you can make anything happen. ;)


Anonymous said...

Weird. I just did this on my blog last night... hah... your list is a bit more extensive than mine, I have 10 things before I Die list and 10 things in the next 365 days list.

Hope you're well. You should get these things out, even at 3am... :)

~Elizabeth Joy~