Saturday, December 20, 2008

New disciplines.

As is my custom for school breaks, I have made a small list of things I want to accomplish with my break. There are books I want to read, relationships I want to cultivate, games I want to play, etc...

This break, I have decided to write 500 words a day, 6 days a week. It can be anything: a blog post (heh heh...), a journal entry, a screenplay, a radio drama, a poem (I count poems as the full 500, though. They're hard.), etc... The point is to make a habit out of writing.

It has been about as hard as I expected. Naturally, I have only written maybe 1000 words so far. The other night, I actually let myself get by with the excuse that I didn't have anything to write, that I was dry.

That's sort of the point of a discipline, isn't it? That you do it even when you don't want to or feel like you can't?

I hope it doesn't degrade to me updating this blog over and over again in a desperate attempt to boost my word count.


Thia Lewis said...

What's with all these word-counts?!
I find a write way too much every day... I journal everything. (I got behind while in Ireland though). I really enjoy writing the songs and poems that come to me, but I could do with less writing. It's quality, not quantity. (*

Thia Lewis said...

Wow, I just realized how un-encouraging I sound. If 500 words a day is your goal, I'll be praying for the inspiration and focus you need. I'm having a lack of those in areas of my life as well. (*

Rad said...

*Chuckles and pokes you*

I'm glad to know you're alive. Do you guys have a lot of snow? We got dumped on (again) last night.

~*~ Rad