Thursday, March 13, 2008


Half-Life 2 does not - repeat - does not have a good story.

There is no motivation. No character. A plot that in the first 4 hours is totally absent. I have no idea why I'm running through a city full of alien zombies.

The most frustrating thing is that my progress is blocked by a chain link fence. Not just a chain link fence, either. A partially knocked down chain link fence. A chain link fence that I could crawl up. A broken chain link fence is stopping me, Messiah and war hero Gordon Freeman, from escaping the psycho alien zombie creatures from eating my flesh.

Come on, level designers, could it at least have been a locked wooden door? Even a chain link fence with barbed wire would make more sense.

That felt good. I needed to rant a bit against popular opinion there for a bit. A more intelligent engagement with Half-Life 2 and Gordon Freeman will show up on my game blog within a few days (theoretically).

1 comment:

Maverick said...

If you're still playing it, props. I'd have given up by now.