Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm in Colorado! Barely...

So... the hatred that was once contained in my hair has spread to my car. Indeed, these are tragic times.

Yesterday, my car decided that it was going to not work well. We were plugging along just fine, but then it decided to stall. And then again. And then again. So... we finally get to a hotel and we think it'll all be okay in the morning. Today, it wouldn't shift up from 3rd gear (quite tragic considering speed limits are really high out west).

Oh, and it's overheating a lot.

My dad and I figure we might just get to Rio Rancho if we only drive for 2 hours or so, then take a half hour break, then carry on like that for the rest of the 8 or so hours.

Other than my car hating me, life is good. The weather has been beautiful, we've had the top down, and I can see really, really far away (kind of like Montana, I'd imagine). I like being out west.

Pray for my car, please.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I will pray for the car. But still praying for you too amigo.

Hatred? What hatred? *Confuzzled*

I am glad you are at last having nice weather. We are not. Though Michael would disagree with me, I am not happy that it has rained, at least a little, every day for almost, if not more than, a week.

Continue in safety. I hope you car makes it. We kinda like the convertable... :-P

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

Maybe this just is not a good week for cars, my mom's got dinged by a hit and run, but they found him, you have to get up pretty early in the morning (like 9) to pull one over on a Prindle. Hope your car makes it. Take Luck.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember my password!!! Ahhh!

Anonymous said...

You forgot your password? That seems highly improbable, considering you boast about its unbreakability. haha.

Anonymous said...


I hope your car is being nice for you... Where are you?

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

well, i'm pretty much assuming that you're ok and you got there safely... that is sad about your car though.. wait... hatred in you hair? i didn;t think was possible Kemp...
anyways... looking to hear from you. blessing

Anonymous said...

i've been praying for your car for over a month...

Anonymous said...

As thoroughly interesting as Colorado and your escapeds there are I am more interested to know what is going on down in NM. (and FLwhile you were there)

Anonymous said...

He got a tan, hung out with his sis, and was on IM twice. :-P

~*~ Rad