Saturday, November 24, 2007

This is way less interesting without gestures

So the small story of how I got home is thus:

I picked up Daniel, the American Spanish missionary kid from Calvin who I was giving a ride home, and headed east on I-96. Little did I know that a terrible secret lay beneath the hood of my car...

Earlier that day, I had tried to do my usual (Dad-commanded) check up routine on the car... the oil, the transmission fluid, the tire pressure, etc... but I could not get the hood to pop up. I've had this problem before, though. Usually, it's not a big deal. I hit it a few times, kick it, pop it from the inside again and it works. This time, it didn't. Okay, no big deal. It'll come up when I hit a bump. As I filled up my tank and drove around campus that day, it didn't, though. Hm. Oh well. I guess it's stuck.

Anyway, I pick up Daniel and start heading home. We're trying to me amiable and get along when all of a sudden, BAM! I look up and I suddenly can't see. Luckily, we were in the right lane, so I pull into the shoulder and evaluate the situation.

Have you seen Tommy Boy? That part when their hood flies up into the windshield? Yeah. That happened. And it was bent.

So we get outside and try to put it back down only to find that it's so bent it won't close. Okay. Now what? Well, I had some straps... So that's what we did. We strapped that hood down tight. In the rain and cold. Ick.

So there's that. We keep heading south. Eventually, my right windshield wiper flipped upside down and did nothing, so I pulled over and yanked it off. Now I'm driving 60 miles an hour, in the dark, with a hood that could come up at any moment and one wiper that doesn't work. And then the other wiper started smearing rather than wiping... I officially drove the most unsafe car I've ever driven in my life. I pulled over and got a wiper to get by and went the rest of the way home safely.

Yesterday, my dad and I banged the hood out until it could close (We even greased the clasp so it'll pop up again.). So now all I need is a new windshield, a new wiper, and there's something wrong with the sunroof...

But! It runs.


Anonymous said...

so...did the terrible secret really lie beneath the hood of your car, or did the hood of your car just have a terrible secret? (I confess, I was waiting for a sea serpent or a miniature oxen or at least a squirrel or something to emerge from under the hood....)
good story. hope you survive getting back, too.

Anonymous said...

*Chuckles at Leesa*

I am glad you got home safely... Hey... my dad is looking at cars for me... want him to look for you too? :-P

Now you know how I feel. Dumb car...

Did you get a picture that worked for... your... ... whatever you were looking for pictures for...?

~*~ Rad

Maverick said...

THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE SUNROOF?!?! Dang it... I LOVE that sunroof.... anyway.
1. Thank you for not dying.
2. Thank you for not letting the American Spanish missionary kid die (that'd be devastating).
3. I was actually kind of expecting a cat or something (not as exciting as an oxen or a sea serpant, but it was still an animal nonetheless).
4. You know that muscle that was killing me last Saturday? Well, it's bruising... a lot... oh, don't worry... EVER!!!!

Oh. And be careful coming back... that Jimmy's been through a lot...

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Leesa and CJ I was expecting a racoon or something when you said a surprise under the hood. I'm sure the story is much more interesting with hand gestures.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there wasn't an owl or death involved in your little adventure. I'm quite certain you MUST dub your car now! Something distinguished and heroic. She deserves it.

The Kemp said...

I may be inclined to agree with you. That may even change the name I have already chosen...

ransomedhandmaiden said...

Wow... I second CJ, thank you for not dying.

And I didn't think of an animal. Probably because my brain is moving very slowly right now.