Sunday, May 18, 2008

What if it's true?

Here's something else I've been thinking about yesterday and today. What if it's true?

What if what we believe is true? Jesus really was God in the flesh. We really are alienated from God because of sin. Jesus' death changed our broken state, but we are still being changed. The Devil really exists. We're supposed to sacrifice for our wives and wives are to submit to their husbands (Oo..... controversy...). The meek will inherit the earth. Brother will be divided from brother.

Sometimes I believe things intellectually, but forget that it's really true. That it really does change the way I see the world and how I act in it.


Maverick said...

I often think the opposite: what if what I believe is NOT true. What if Jesus was only a prophet. What if he didn't really rise again from the dead. What if the Muslims really have it right? The Mormans? What if we're not going to go to heaven like we believe?

It's all a game of wonderings and really, we'll never know for sure. That's what faith is for.

Anonymous said...

We have so much evidence to confirm the truth... And so much experience. Being raised as a missionary I'm blessed to have seen God (and the devil ) work in ways that you rarely get to see here in the United States, where people are so full of apathy and intellectuality most don't want proof; they don't want to know the truth. Because that could change their whole world... the way they think and the way they live. I didn't just decide to have faith one day, and add it to myself like some sort of accessory or tool that may come in handy during hard times, or when I die. I have seen a lot, endured alot, and it's led me to where I am - to what I believe and live by. No one convinced me to it and no one can convince me from it. It all comes down to choice. Some people experience truths and reject them or experience lies and accept them. They live lies because that’s where experience has led them… but they had a choice whether to believe & live by the lies or not. Just as they have the choice when they see truth. I think some people are actually afraid to sit down and think of the answers that have truly come from their or others' experiences… Or to question any answers or beliefs they have gotten from them so far. We put it off; fill our days with nothing really. How much are people really afraid of finding the truth? We wait to find the answers some other day that we may never reach... It has changed the way I see the world, daily. Oh, wow, sorry for the long comment... It's hard to stop my flood of thoughts. *smiles and shakes head.* (*thia L.

Jennifer said...

I'm sure that what you said is true..about Scrubs that is. However, I've never watched Scrubs, so I don't know. Besides, your life isn't over, apparently it's just beginning...