Thursday, November 01, 2012

Grad School.

This is a big time of year. 

At work, students have just finished their midterm projects.  They're crewing up for their final projects (which means I've had producers asking me lots of great questions). 

At church, we're really into the swing of the school year again.  We've started new small groups - both in student ministry and in adult ministry.  To be successful, both of those require a high level of investment.

Oh.  And I'm applying to grad school.

I've applied a few times before.  I was even accepted once, which was great.  $90,000 was a bit steep, though.

This month, I've decided that I'm going to use every spare moment to get into school.  If I don't make it in, I'll at least have done everything in my power to try and I'll have a year to try again.  (And I have plans for that year...)

Right now, the Digital Arts and New Media program at UC Santa Cruz is my top choice.  But I've made some connections at USC that suggest that could be an exciting program as well.

Over the last year, I've discovered that publicly saying that I'm going to do something helps.  (See my Blogging Challenge from a year ago or my recent Points Project...)  So this is me publicly saying that I'm going to apply to grad school.  Both of them.  And work really hard to do it.  This month.

That is all.

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