Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogging challenge.

I've been thinking some recently.  About lots of things.  About imagination and drive.  About dreams and will.  About discipline, passion, and skills.  And writing.  I've been thinking about writing a good amount. 

This quote from Ira Glass went the rounds on Facebook recently: 
Like so many things on the internet, I've seen it before, but I'm at a place in my life where I needed to be reminded that I am, in fact, a creative.

Unfortunately, like many creatives, I am also a perfectionist.  I rarely start something unless I know it'll be just right.  I have probably three or four drafts in my Blogger queue right now that seemed like such good ideas at the time, but weren't right yet.  Who knows how many more ideas I've had but have let slip away because they weren't quite good enough.

Daggum it, though, Ira's right.  I need to do a lot of work.  If I even dream of being a new media academic someday, I need to write.  If I want to design interactive narratives, I need to write.  If I want to respect myself in a few years, I need to write. 

So starting tomorrow, I issue myself a blogging challenge.  I will write something on this blog every day for a month.  The topics may be as diverse as narrative theory, game design, theology, community, television, relationships, music, or finances.  But something will go up here every day until November 26. 

Good luck to us both.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I like this challenge. Good luck m'friend!