Friday, August 03, 2007

Camp update!

I have a fever. And the only prescription for that fever is more Harry Potter.

So I saw the 5th movie last night, then started the 6th book again. I finished it today around 7:00pm and picked up the 7th book. Also, I slept for a good 9 or 10 hours last night.

So, essentially this post is to brag about my reading speed and to lament the fact that I am trying to use some measure of self control and go to bed now rather than finishing Deathly Hollows before sunrise.

I suppose a quick camp update is in order for those of you I didn't get to see when I visited GR this past weekend. It was pretty cool. The speaker was a guy I quickly came to respect (He said he diagrammed every sentence of the Bible in the original languages...) who had a great knack for preaching.
My favorite part of the week was Wednesday night, where he pretty much issued a call for leadership to the students - to own their youth ministries and become more than just passive observers. One of our students, who has a natural gift for leadership, finally felt convicted enough to do something about it. During the altar call (because yes, there was one every night... just not quite the typical one), he went down with a few other students, calling out those he knew needed a bit of encouragement to step out, one of which was my sister. They met, just the students, for over an hour and a half. Ultimately, they drew up some kind of covenant and signed it, committing to start being the change they want to see.

He called out my sister. She committed to pursuing God more, stepping up more leadership-wise, and trying to live better with her parents. She borrowed my phone and called them that night. It made me happy to see God get a hold of her.

The next night, they did their usual "Are you called to ministry?" thing. I went down and talked to two guys, one of which I had seen that calling in before and one I hadn't. I gave them a bit of my story, said something I should not have to the guy I didn't expect to see, asked for forgiveness, and, for the most part, wasn't as bad as I thought I would be. Thanks to whoever prayed.

I'm sure I learned some stuff, too, but I'm really tired right now. It was just really cool to be a servant to these students, get to know them, and have fun with them. I'm sure I have lots more stories to tell - especially now that I've started telling them - but they will, I'm afraid, have to wait until we (and by we, I mean returning Cornerstone students) are reunited in three weeks or so.

Desperately trying not to identify too closely with Harry,


Now playing: Switchfoot - Let That Be Enough
via FoxyTunes

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