Saturday, August 04, 2007

(Yep, no idea what to title this.)

Everything is perfect right now.

Well, except that my life isn't at the end of its story. Which, I guess, is good.

Act 3 is coming, friends. But until then, we must fight the good fight.


Anonymous said...


Did you see my response to your earlier post... did the internet eat it... or did I just not post it properly...? Hrn.


~*~ Rad

Jennifer said...

I have questions for you sometime when we're in the same vicinity.

Did you say at one point that "Defying Gravity" was an amazing scene in Wicked?

See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell if you actually mean perfect or if that's just your new adjective coming out, oh well. Kudos, and we will not go silently into the night.

Anonymous said...

fight the good fight every moment. every minute, every day.
fight the good fight every moment
it's your only way...

ok, classic rock bit over now.
Act iii is always the most fun.. everything comes together after it falls apart... but never in the way you woudl have imagined. it shall be a ride, this next year, won't it?
every year gets more and more odd, random, strange, and ... better.
go us for living.