Saturday, May 05, 2007

Processing time over

A few weeks ago, Heidi, Melissa, and Christian were sitting in my room after Wayne's World and I asked them what they learned this year. As is the case in every conversation like this, the question was eventually directed at me and I didn't really have an answer. I said a few things, but now that I've had more time to think (and I actually remembered to think about it...), I'd thought I'd share some things that I've learned this year.

1) One of the things that I've learned (more recently) is that I need to take time to feed myself. The lesson of the starving baker is one that I need to remind myself of constantly. Part of feeding myself is having a consistent Bible time where I sincerely spend time with God. It is also taking time to have meaningful discussions with my friends.

2) I think I could have been a better Sherpa. Part of me wants to blame Kelly (my CUF) for not challenging me like some of the other CUFs challenged their Sherpas. I know that the responsibility was on me alone, but it brings me another lesson: Challenging people is important. I need to challenge myself and havce someone keep me (brutally) accountable so that I can continue to grow. It wouldn't hurt to surround myself with people that challenge me to be better, but I know that to have a friend, I need to be a friend. Therefore, I must challenge those closest to me to get better in order for them to challenge me.

3) Also recently: do it anyway. I have a renewed energy to be a leader thanks to Don Perini's speech at the Leadership Journey Celebration. He told a story about his daughter learning how to swim. She hated the water. She screamed and was terrified and did what little kids do, but she did it anyway. She still got in the water even though it terrified her. Leaders do what needs to be done. Whether it is an act of obedience to God or because they're scared, or, as is often the case for me, they just feel awkward, do it anyway.

In our own Christian walks, I think this applies, too. God asks us to obey him. When we don't feel like it, do it anway. When we're scared, do it anyway. When we've lost faith in him, do it anyway. When we've screwed up enough times that we think everything we do will not be blessed or something, do it anyway.

Anyway, I could keep sermonizing, but I'm done for now. I thought I'd share. See ya.


Anonymous said...

2 weeks, that's a lot of processing time...
well have a good summer, and enjoy your sun my friend.
I'll see you when I see you.

Anonymous said...

I’m going to concentrate on one bit of this first.
One of my favorite Ceili Rain songs brings to mind many things that might have been frightful at one point or another: coloring outside the lines, saying something that could potentially be stupid, putting your face in the water, saying ‘I love you’, etc… each is followed with the simple phrase “do it anyway”. There are things in this life that we should not just step around and ignore, but should be charged into headlong. And you’re right, leaders don’t cheese it when they meet up with something ugly… leaders don’t back down… leaders run forward… crap…. time to go kick myself in the face…
Anyway… see? You have learned something. And they’re good somethings too.
See you tomorrow.


Jennifer said...

I think we could all use one more person who is willing to challenge us...

Anonymous said...

I like it when you sermonize... cuz you're not boring to listen to, ever! ^_^ Thanks for sharing.

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

that first one is a lot harder (and more important) than it sounds. (come to think of it, they're all harder and more important than they sound. whaddya know.) yeah, ok, the second one is a biggie too…unfortunately, challenging yourself now generally seems harder than blaming other people for your own regrets later. as for the third - when you’re leading, it’s dangerously easy to notice the people who do it well and overlook the ones who are doing it anyway…and it’s hard to do it anyway all by yourself (um…cue jesus…?). yikes - I’ll go kick myself in the face now too….

hey, I learned something this year - I now know who she-ra is.

p.s. so I've got this idea for a movie - it involves seals and mick jagger….