Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just checking

So I'm working on a resume right now and the CEO wanted me to attach a picture. He says it makes hiring people and working with them online way easier. Unfortunately, the only somewhat decent picture I have is 2 years old and my hair is still way long.

Does anyone have any recent pictures of just me when my hair is not ridiculously long?


Anonymous said...

how about just cropping some of the homecoming or Grand Awards pictures? Or you could just go for a little photo shoot sometime today with a person with a camera.

Anonymous said...

I will email you...

Otherwise I have the original of the one you have as your profile picture on here.

~*~ Rad

Jennifer said...

I'd say that you should crop some from homecoming. Go to www.thisphotostory.com and under albums click on SOAR. There's one with you and the other homecoming guys which was good. You weren't looking at the camera...look at the picture anyway.

Melissa said...


But. if you want me to take a photo sometime...that would be ultra recent.

let me know...

Anonymous said...

i would go risky...i mean, something that shows some personality at least. and not just that you clean up nice, lol. they don't want to hit on you, they want to hire you (or whatever it is), so i think a photo that says a lil' something something about yourself. ^_^ (p.s. you're like a girl that can't find anything to wear, because you are tagged in, oh 410 pictures on facebook! lol) :p

Crystal Kitten said...

hey- you could use that picture of you from LJ last year with your goggles on.