Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm sick

I don't like it.

I finished my homework last night right around 1:00 (not bad, all things considered) and crashed in bed. But then I was absolutely freezing. I could not laid under covers shivering for a good 10 minutes hoping it would get warm. It didn't. I added two extra blankets. Still not warm. I put on my sweat pants and a fleece sweater and finally, I was warm enough not to shiver constantly.

I still didn't fall asleep very much. I ended up seeing Dave Wood online sometime around 4:30 I think. By then, I figured out that maybe light was what I needed. So I slept out on the futon and fell right asleep. Yay!

Pray for me, please.


Anonymous said...

will pray....

Anonymous said...

yes. :-(

Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's why you were taking a nap in the Corum at 1:30? I will pray, get better soon!!

~*~ Rad

ransomedhandmaiden said...

aww, poor Kemp. I hope you feel better soon.