Friday, April 06, 2007

Just how many of you are there?

I want everyone to know that Windows Media Player frustrates me to no end. I can't get the furmudgen thing to display my library nicely. It tries too hard to be like Apple and display all of my (nonexistent) album art with my (nonexistent) album organization. GAH!

In other news, I'm home, which is nice. I get to hang out with my family, watch movies, do homework... It's good.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to go somewhere and spend time with God, but with the weather so bad, I don't know where to go...

Now I'm off to do homework. See yas.


Anonymous said...

There is me. Always me.

Are you talking about the updated version of Windows Media?

A) Get your laptop reimaged (Jon says it's good for it anyway) and viola, you'll have the old version. And whenever it says "Do you want to update?" say no.

B) Delete the program and tell tech you "lost" it and they'll reupload it.

Unless of course you started out with the never version. Then I can't say much.

I didn't like the new version either.

I am glad you are home. You know that. ^_^

I hope the weather is nice for you so you can have your God time in your spot.

I have to do homework too. Booo.

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

somewhere so far away that no one would ever think it existed... go there.

Anonymous said...

well that's hard to say just how many there are. I mean who knows who all looks at this absurd page.

Anonymous said...

It's not absurd! *Pokes Michael*

~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

nor is it a page... technically.. well, a web page... but not a REAL page... ~shifts eyes left and right~ ~looks down~ ... right...