Friday, April 20, 2007

Public Service Announcement:

Wayne's World. Tonight. My room. 8:00.

It shall be glorious.


Anonymous said...


~*~ Rad

Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel, Wayne's World is a movie derived from a Saturday Night Live skit. (If you don't know what SNL is, it is a skit comedy show that has various skits and what not.) It includes Mike Meyers, (voice of Shrek) and Dana Carvey (Master of Disguise). Yay for pop culture.

Oh by the way Kemp, that anonymous comment on your laundry entry, definitely was me writing, I threw in the nice site to throw you off, the other one though, no idea, as a Namenye.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there. Hope it was amazing as I know it is. If it was the DVD, I hope you cracked up at the menu. Probably the best DVD menu I've ever seen.