Saturday, November 26, 2011

I did it.


Guess what?

It's over.

A month ago, I wrote this post, challenging myself to practice thinking and writing over the course of 30 days.  In that time, I have written 30 posts, lots of words, and thought quite a bit.  I've started directing my first short film, reconsidered my career, and gotten rid of my home internet service.  Are you ready for some life lessons from all this?

1. Discipline is great.  It's really worth it to sit down and force yourself to do something.

2. Planning ahead is better.  Knowing that, at the end of the day, I'd have to write something has made me think more intentionally throughout my day.  I actually look for ideas to articles.  I write them down.  I live life more interestingly when I know I have to bring home something of worth to share with my adoring fans (read: whoever clicks on the links to get here).

3. I think I still like writing.  So that's nice.

4. Hm.  I'm sure there'll be more.

Tonight's post sort of snuck up on me, to be honest.  By now, I'm so stuck in the rhythm of blogging every night that it's weird to think that the required part is over (for now).  I still have several ideas written down for stuff to talk about (including the upcoming Minecraft Chronicles) - and that's all just stuff in my head.  Can you even imagine what will happen if I started reading more criticism and responding to that?  Or worse, actually playing video games and thinking critically about them?  Good heavens.  It's staggering.

So thanks for sticking around this last month.  The posts will  by no means cease just because I'm not requiring it of myself.  In fact, I might just keep up the blog-a-day thing for a while longer.  See how far it'll go, ya know?

1 comment:

Warrior said...

I've got an minecraft server for ya. It is the one dan marsalese plays on.